Why Coin? - Mountain

Why Coalition of Independent Nevadans?

• Over 30%; nearly 600,000 voters are registered as Non-Partisan Under Nevada’s current system, these voters are mostly marginalized voters.

• The Coalition of Independent Nevadans (COIN) provides a neutral platform for Non-Partisan voters to have a collective voice on issues that concern all Nevadans.

  • Our nation and state are divided more than ever; torn apart by hyper-partisan divisions.

  • Deep philosophical differences are emboldened by negative advertising, partisan bickering, finger pointing, and political gamesmanship.

  • Both the Democratic and Republican Party claims they have the secret sauce to solve our problems, but division prevents collaboration.

How many of us could go for a job interview, spend most of the time bashing the other interviewees, and still expect to get the job? Our politicians do that all the time, yet we continue to elect them without demanding results.

Our leaders are not focused on finding solutions. They and our elected officials are rather focused on making political points and the next election.

Civility has become a bad word, and common sense driven moderate leaders fear that collaborating with “the other side” will make them unelectable. All this, while we continue to fall behind in education, energy production, technological advances, trade.

America needs immediate, meaningful, and strong policy advances to address the challenges around social issues, the economy, and diplomacy; to make us globally competitive again, and help to secure world peace. 

It’s time voters step up and send a clear message to hold our elected officials accountable. 

Non-Partisan voters comprise a growing segment of Nevada voters, currently over 30% and have the power to assert influence over our elected leaders and policy.

We need moderate policy driven leaders who will put the interest of all Nevadans first.  With this intent in mind, Coalition of Independent Nevadans (COIN) was formed, to provide Non-Partisans a neutral platform to engage and educate themselves regarding politics. 

C.O.I.N.’s goal is to have 29% of the Nevada voters who are registered Non-Partisan use their votes judiciously to create a balance of power and elect reasonable and responsible policy makers who will put ALL Nevadans first.


COIN aims to hold our elected officials accountable for policies and initiatives supported by them. We also want to see policy makers on both sides working together to solve problems, and not just talk about them every election cycle.​

–  Ash Mirchandani

Chairman & Founder